Koh Phangan to Khao Lak
The distance from Koh Phangan to Khao Lak is around 300 kilometers. You have a few trip options depending on your budget and available time. All of these options include a ferry crossing. Luckily, you don’t have to book a few separate trips, there are companies who sell combo trips which include ferry and bus in one ticket. No need to worry about making the connection!
Koh Phangan to Khao Lak by Ferry and Bus
- Price: 730 – 1,140 THB
- Transport type: van (bus) and ferry
- Operators: 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport, Call Me Taxi, Fame Tour, Koh Tao Booking Center, Phangan Tour 2000, TransBaanTon
- Travel time: 7.5 – 13.5 hours
There are a few travel options, but the fastest one is a van and ferry trip (takes just 7.5 hours).
All the trips depart from the Thong Sala pier in Koh Phangan, and arrive in a few locations in Khao Lak: Khao Lak Bus Station, Nang Thong, Khao Lak Mcdonalds, or hotel drop off in Khao Lak.
Koh Phangan to Khao Lak Schedule
Departure Time | Departure Location | Arrival Time | Arrival Location | Operator | Journey Duration |
5:30 | Thong Sala | 15:30 | Khao Lak Bus Station | Phangan Tour 2000 | 10h |
5:00 | Thong Sala | 14:00 | Khao Lak Bus Station | Phangan Tour 2000 | 9h |
22:00 | Thong Sala | 11:30 | Nang Thong, Khao Lak | Koh Tao Booking Center | 13h 30m |
11:30 | Thong Sala | 19:00 | Khao Lak Transfer | Call Me Taxi | 7h 30m |
22:00 | Thong Sala | 11:30 | Nang Thong, Khao Lak | Fame Tour | 13h 30m |
22:00 | Thong Sala | 11:00 | Khao Lak McDonald’s | TransBaanTon | 13h |
22:00 | Thong Sala | 11:30 | Khao Lak Nang Thong Center | 465 Surat Thani Phuket Transport | 13h 30m |
Koh Phangan to Khao Lak by Private Taxi
- Price: 9,775 THB
- Transport type: whole van and ferry
- Operators: Van2Travel
- Travel time: 7.5 – 13.5 hours
With a private taxi you can choose to depart at any time of the day. Van2Travel operates 10-passenger van on this route. It’s the fastest way to get to Khao Lak.