Nan to Bangkok

Getting to Bangkok from Nan can be a bit tricky, especially if it’s your first time traveling this route. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Below, we’ll compare two popular transportation options for traveling from Nan to Bangkok: bus and flight. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to make an informed decision on which option suits your travel needs and budget.

Nan to Bangkok by Bus

  • Price: 623 THB and above
  • Transport type: bus
  • Companies: Budsarakham Tour, Bangkok Busline, Transport Co, Sombat Tour, and Nakhonchai Air
  • Travel time: 9.5-11.5 hours

Click here to book bus tickets from Nan to Bangkok.

The bus is the cheapest option when traveling from Nan to Bangkok. There are plenty of companies that operate on this route, and you can easily book your tickets online via the link above. The earliest bus leaves at 8:00 am, and the latest bus leaves at 7:50 pm. The travel time varies from 9.5 to 11.5 hours, depending on the bus operator and traffic. Some of the popular bus companies on this route include Budsarakham Tour, Bangkok Busline, Transport Co, Sombat Tour, and Nakhonchai Air.

A one-way bus ticket starts at 623 THB per seat.

The Pros: If you’re on a tight budget, taking the bus is the best option. You’ll get to see the beautiful scenery of Nan while traveling, and you’ll also be able to save money on transportation. Moreover, you won’t have to deal with airport security or the stress of boarding a flight.

The Cons: The long travel time is undoubtedly the biggest downside of taking a bus from Nan to Bangkok. If you’re short on time or have a limited schedule, taking a bus may not be the best option for you. Additionally, some people find long bus rides uncomfortable and tiring.

Nan to Bangkok by Flight

  • Price: 1,500 THB and above
  • Transport type: flight
  • Companies: Nok Air and Thai AirAsia
  • Travel time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Click here to book flight tickets from Nan to Bangkok.

The flight is the fastest way to get to Bangkok from Nan, with a travel time of just 1 hour and 10 minutes. The two airlines that operate direct flights on this route are Nok Air and Thai AirAsia. Flights usually cost from 1,500 THB one-way, depending on the season, availability, and airlines.

The Pros: The biggest advantage of taking a flight is the time saved. A one-hour flight is undoubtedly more convenient than a 10-11 hour bus ride. Additionally, you’ll have more flexibility with your travel schedule since there are multiple flights available throughout the day.

The Cons: The most significant disadvantage of taking the plane is the cost. Compared to a bus ride, taking a flight might be more expensive, especially during peak seasons. Additionally, you’ll have to deal with airport procedures such as security checks, and baggage claim.

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