Ayutthaya to Suphanburi

The distance between Ayutthaya and Suphanburi is around 90 kilometers. If you’re driving, this trip takes around 1.5 hours. However, there is also public transportation available on this route. Below, we will describe how to get from Ayutthaya to Suphanburi by direct minivan, featuring the schedule and prices.

Ayutthaya to Suphanburi by Van

  • Price: 330 THB
  • Transport type: minivan
  • Companies: Tour with Thai
  • Travel time: 2 hours

Tour with Thai provides a reliable and comfy service, which will pick you up at the hotel in Ayutthaya and arrive at the Suphanburi Bus Terminal. The whole trip takes around 2 hours, and you can choose one of the nine departures throughout the day.

Since minivans are smaller than regular buses, each passenger can take 1 suitcase (up to 20kg) and 1 hand luggage. If you have a larger suitcase or a few, you can book an extra seat for the luggage.

Suphanburi Bus Termina is located in the very center of the city, so you’ll easily catch a taxi to the hotel.

Ayutthaya to Suphanburi Van Schedule

Departure TimeDeparture StationArrival TimeArrival StationDurationCompany
7:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer9:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
8:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer10:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
9:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer11:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
10:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer12:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
11:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer13:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
12:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer14:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
13:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer15:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
14:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer16:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai
15:00Ayutthaya Town Transfer17:00Suphanburi Bus Terminal2hTour with Thai

Things to Do in Suphanburi

Suphanburi is worth visiting, especially if you’re already exploring Ayutthaya or nearby areas in central Thailand. The province offers lots of historical, cultural, and natural attractions:

  1. Historical Sites: Suphanburi boasts various historical sites, including ancient ruins, temples such as Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat, and museums, preserving the region’s history and culture.
  2. Don Chedi Monument: Don Chedi is a historical park featuring a monument honoring King Naresuan’s victorious battle against the Burmese.
  3. Suphanburi City Pillar Shrine: A sacred site in the heart of the city, dedicated to the guardian spirits of Suphanburi.
  4. Local Festivals: The province celebrates various vibrant festivals, including the Songkran Water Festival and the famous Monkey Banquet Festival, where locals offer food to monkeys in honor of a local legend.
  5. Agricultural Heritage: Suphanburi is agriculturally rich, and known for its orchards, particularly Pomelo fruit, and rice fields.
  6. Natural Attractions: It also offers natural attractions like Phu Toei National Park, Bueng Chawak Aquarium and Zoo, a freshwater aquarium known for its diverse aquatic life.

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