Chiang Mai to Lampang

Traveling between Chiang Mai and Lampang is a breeze for anyone looking for a short escape. At around 110 km away, there are three primary methods to get you from Chiang Mai to Lampang: bus, train, or taxi. For those looking for the most popular option, taking a direct bus only takes 1 hour 30 minutes and will be cheaper than riding a taxi; while the train is direct as well but it will take 2 hours 24 minutes of your time.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to get to your destination in a jiffy and can afford it then hailing a taxi would be your best bet since it only takes 1 hour and 25 minutes!

Below, we will see what are the pros of every travel option.

Chiang Mai to Lampang by Bus

  • Price: 110 THB
  • Travel time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • AC: yes
  • WC: yes

Transport Co runs direct buses which take just 1 hour 30 minutes. In Chiang Mai, buses depart from the Chiang Mai Arcade 2 and arrive at the Lampang Bus Station. These are comfortable VIP 31 buses and have all the amenities onboard – a WC, air conditioning (which may get too cold at times), and a steward who helps in the boarding and assists during the trip.

There are 2 daily departures from Chiang Mai, check the detailed schedule below:

Chiang Mai Arcade 2Lampang Bus StationPrice
7:309:00110 THB
18:0019:30110 THB

Coming at a fair price of 110 THB per seat, Chiang Mai to Lampang bus is the fastest and cheapest way to travel.

Chiang Mai to Lampang by Train

  • Price: from 103 THB
  • Travel time: 2-3 hours
  • AC: yes
  • WC: yes

Taking the train is a great way to get from Chiang Mai to Lampang and enjoy the scenic views of Thailand along the way. Tickets are relatively inexpensive and range from 103 THB for the second-class AC sleeper to third-class seating with prices increasing slightly for fans and air-conditioned cabins. The journey takes anywhere between two to three hours depending on which train service you book. However, those looking for an expedited trip may wish to opt for the public bus which can normally complete the journey in 90 minutes.

There are five direct trains per day so it’s easy to find a convenient travel time that suits your schedule.

Here’s the trains schedule:

Chiang MaiLampangTrain #

Chiang Mai to Lampang by Taxi

  • Price: from 1930 THB
  • Travel time: 1 hour 25 minutes
  • AC: yes

If you’re looking for an easy and efficient way to travel from Chiang Mai to Lampang, look no further than a taxi. With reputable companies such as Jed Yord or JOY offering prices starting at 1930 THB with pick-up services from the Chiang Mai airport or the city center, you’ll spend approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes in comfort and style as you make your way to your destination. The ease of booking and the convenience of the journey make choosing a taxi one of the best ways to see all that Chiang Mai has to offer.

Click here to check available taxis and the latest prices.

Is Lampang Worth Visiting from Chiang Mai?

Located in Northern Thailand, Lampang is a city renowned for its cultural heritage and spectacular natural beauty. Its ancient temples and historic structures draw visitors from around the world, while its rolling hills offer plenty of opportunities for hiking and exploring the great outdoors. It’s also a good idea to come here as a day trip from Chiang Mai.

Many come to Lampang to enjoy its range of mouthwatering local cuisine; some of the city’s most famous dishes include khao soi and kaeb moo daeng (crispy pork). Meanwhile, those looking to reconnect with nature can take part in activities such as visiting the Chae Son National Park and the Wang Kaeo Waterfall. With something for everyone, Lampang is sure to be an unforgettable experience!

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