Chumphon to Khao Sok

Travel to Khao Sok National Park has become popular recently, and it’s not hard to see why. This stunning natural attraction located in the south of Thailand is known for its beautiful limestone rock formations, lush forests, and captivating wildlife. But getting there can be a challenge. That is why we’re here to provide you with easy travel tips on how to get to Khao Sok from Chumphon.

There are 2 ways to travel between Chumphon and Khao Sok: van and taxi.

Chumphon to Khao Sok by Van

  • Price: 750 THB
  • Transport type: van
  • Companies: Fame Tour
  • Travel time: 7 hours

Click here to book a van from Chumphon to Khao Sok.

There is only one direct service available to book online, and it’s Fame Tour. The travel time is approximately 7 hours, and the vans are air-conditioned. It departs from the Fame Tour office in Chumphon and arrives at the Khao Sok van station. It allows for 7 kg of luggage per person. We recommend buying an extra seat if you have big luggage.

Chumphon Khao Sok Company
08:00 15:00 Fame Tour

Tickets are available at a reasonable price of 750 THB per seat.

Chumphon to Khao Sok by Taxi

  • Price: 4,180 THB
  • Transport type: economy, van
  • Companies: Ramon Transport
  • Travel time: 4-5 hours

The price per car starts at 4,180 THB. You can book an economy or van-type taxi. Though there are street taxis available, it is recommended to book online at 12Go through Ramon Transport. The travel time is shorter by taxi at around 4-5 hours, and it can drop you off directly at the hotel in Khao Sok.

Convenience-wise, the taxi is a better option. It takes less time and drops you directly at your hotel. However, it’s a more expensive option compared to the van. If you’re on a budget or have light luggage, the van option by Fame Tour is an excellent choice.

When traveling by van or a taxi, always remember to bring a refillable water bottle, a change of clothes if needed, a sweater (in case the air conditioning gets too cold), a camera, sunscreen, and mosquito repellent.

Final Words

Traveling between Chumphon and Khao Sok can be seamless and easy if you know what to expect. Choosing the right option for you, whether it’s a van or a taxi by Fame Tour or Ramon Transport, depends on your budget, travel time, and the amount of luggage.

Alternatively, check out how to get from Surat Thani to Khao Sok.

Always remember to bring the essentials and enjoy the beautiful experience of traveling to one of Thailand’s finest natural attractions, Khao Sok National Park.

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