Hat Yai to Ipoh

The distance between Hat Yai in Southern Thailand, and Ipoh, Malaysia, is approximately 275 kilometers (171 miles). It’s a popular destination, as lots of tourists come to explore landmarks like Kellie’s Castle, Birch Memorial Clock Tower, and Perak Cave Temple. Nature lovers will appreciate the picturesque landscapes surrounding Ipoh: The Kinta Valley, limestone caves, and scenic waterfalls. If you wish to get from Hat Yai to Ipoh by public transport, you have only one option: a direct bus.

Though there isn’t a direct train route to Ipoh from Hai Hai, you can take a train from Hat Yai to Padang Besar, and then switch to a Malaysian train heading to Ipoh. There are also no direct flights from Thailand to Ipoh. However, you can fly from Hat Yai or other Thai cities to Kuala Lumpur or Penang and then catch a domestic flight to Ipoh.

Below, we will describe exactly how to get Hat Yai to Ipoh by bus and feature a schedule and ticket prices.

Hat Yai to Ipoh by Bus

  • Price: 610 – 770 THB
  • Transport type: Express, VIP 24
  • Companies: Super Nice Express, Archipelago Travel Service
  • Travel time: 5.5 – 6 hours

To get to Ipoh by bus, you’ve got a couple of bus options. There are Express and VIP 24 buses run by companies like Super Nice Express and Archipelago Travel Service. The ticket prices range from 610 to 770 THB, and the ride takes around 5.5 to 6 hours.

Once you’ve booked your ticket, remember to check in about an hour before the bus leaves. These buses come with air conditioning, and the seats recline, so it’s not too bad a journey.

During the trip, the bus makes a stop at a gas station. It’s not just for the restroom but also a chance to grab some snacks for the ride if you need them.

When you arrive in Ipoh, all the buses head to the Terminal Amanjaya. It’s pretty convenient to reach wherever you need to go from there.

Hat Yai to Ipoh Bus Schedule

Departure TimeDeparture StationArrival TimeArrival StationDurationBus Company
9:46Hat Yai Station16:29AmanJaya Ipoh5h 43mSuper Nice Express
13:00Hat Yai Station19:43AmanJaya Ipoh5h 43mSuper Nice Express
18:01Hat Yai Station00:44 +1AmanJaya Ipoh5h 43mSuper Nice Express
9:00Archipelago Office16:00AmanJaya Ipoh6hArchipelago Travel Service
12:30Archipelago Office19:30AmanJaya Ipoh6hArchipelago Travel Service

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