Koh Lanta to Krabi

Planning a trip and wondering how to get from Koh Lanta to Krabi? There are a few different ways you can make the journey, all of which depend on your budget and time constraints. Read on for a breakdown of the three most popular options for getting from one destination to the other.

Option 1: Koh Lanta to Krabi by Shared Minivan Transfer

  • Price: 380 THB
  • Transport type: minivan
  • Companies: Jijie Tour and Travel
  • Travel time: 2.5 hours

One of the most cost-effective and fastest ways to get from Koh Lanta to Krabi is by shared minivan transfer.

The minivans will typically pick you up directly from your hotel in Koh Lanta, and drop you off at a hotel or at Krabi Airport/Bus Terminal in Krabi. The transfer usually costs around 380 THB and takes about 2 hours 30 minutes.

The convenient Jijie Tour and Travel service runs 10 pick-ups throughout the day. However, passengers should make sure that they check in at least 30 minutes prior to their departure time, as the minivans can be quite busy with other booked customers who might board from various bus stops en route. Additionally, as space for luggage is limited, those traveling with large suitcases may need to book an extra seat for convenience.

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Option 2: Koh Lanta to Krabi by Ferry

  • Price: 550 THB
  • Transport type: ferry
  • Companies: Ao Nang Travel And Tour
  • Travel time: 2 hours

Another option is taking the ferry from Saladan Pier in Koh Lanta to Floating Pier East Railay or Nopparat Thara Pier in Ao Nang. This is a great way to take in some beautiful scenery while en route, as well as save money. Tickets usually cost around 550 THB per person, and it takes approximately 1 hour 45 minutes to reach your destination.

Ao Nang Travel and Tour is the go-to provider for this exciting adventure. Not only will you get to enjoy the gorgeous views of the Andaman Sea from onboard their comfortable ferry, but you can also take advantage of the air conditioning while seating inside. What’s more? That’s right – a toilet onboard the ferry so that you don’t have to worry about any awkward moments during your travels. So what are you waiting for? Book your next trip with Ao Nang Travel and Tour today and experience the sights and sounds of this magnificent journey!

Option 3: Koh Lanta to Krabi by Private Taxi Transfer        

  • Price: 2,000 THB
  • Transport type: taxi
  • Companies: BangkokTaxi24, Andaman Taxis, Koh Lanta Sea Tour, Phuket Transfer Travel Andaman
  • Travel time: 2.5 hours

Finally, if you’re looking for more convenience with less hassle then booking a private taxi transfer might be the best option for you. Prices start at 2,000 THB depending on your final destination, and it should take around 2 hours total. Keep in mind that private transfers are more expensive than public transport but they are also much faster and more comfortable!

No matter what option you choose when traveling between Koh Lanta and Krabi, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience exploring this beautiful part of Thailand! Whether you decide on a shared minivan transfer, ferry trip, or private taxi transfer, you’ll have plenty of time along the way to take in all the stunning views these two destinations offer!

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