Bangkok to Aranyaprathet

The distance from Bangkok to Aranyaprathet is approximately 250 kilometers (about 155 miles) by road. The journey to Aranyaprathet which is just 6 km from the Cambodian border takes around 4.5 hours. You have a few options to get there by public transport: take a bus (van) or a train. There are also private transfers that you can book online, and get an economy car, SUV, or van.

If you need to know exactly how to get from Bangkok to Aranyaprathet, keep reading. We’ll describe what’s the cheapest way and the fastest way to reach the destination.

Bangkok to Aranyaprathet by Train

The cheapest option

  • Price: 60 THB/3rd class only
  • Transport type: train
  • Company: Thai Railways
  • Travel time: 4.5 hours

To travel from Bangkok to Aranyaprathet by train, you have an affordable option with a ticket cost of 60 THB, available only in 3rd class. The journey takes approximately 4.5 hours.

This train ride is the cheapest choice, but it’s essential to note that Aranyaprathet is the final destination on Thailand’s Eastern Line, with 40 other stations along the route. Delays are common on this route, so plan accordingly.

There are two trains available each day, at 05:55 and 13:05.

BangkokAranyaprathetTrain NumberTrain Type

For a quicker journey, consider taking Train #279, departing at 13:05, which is scheduled to complete the trip in 4 hours and 30 minutes. Trains depart from Bangkok Hua Lamphong Railway Station and arrive at the Aranyaprathet Railway Station, located 6.1 km from the Thailand-Cambodia border. This train ride is an economical and leisurely way to reach your destination while enjoying the countryside views.

Bangkok to Aranyaprathet by Bus (Van)

The fastest option

  • Price: 480 THB
  • Transport type: van
  • Company: Travel Mart
  • Travel time: 4.5 hours

To travel from Bangkok to Aranyaprathet by van, you can choose a convenient and direct option provided by Travel Mart. The journey takes approximately 4.5 hours and costs 480 THB.

Travel Mart operates 10-passenger vans with 10 departures available each day. It’s a fast and straightforward service. Vans usually depart on time, so it’s a hassle-free way to reach the destination. However, it’s important to note that since vans are small, only one stored bag is allowed, and you will need to place it in the van’s baggage compartment.

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