Pattaya to Trat

The distance between Pattaya and Trat in Thailand is approximately 230 kilometers (about 143 miles) by road. If you’re planning a trip from Pattaya to Trat, you have several transportation options available.

One of the most popular ways to travel to Trat is by shared van. 35 Group Pattaya operates on this route, offering 10-passenger vans. The journey takes approximately 5-5.5 hours, depending on traffic and the type of bus you choose. You can book your bus tickets online or at the bus station in Pattaya. These tickets cost around 450 THB per seat.

Another option is to hire a taxi or private car. While this is more expensive than taking the bus, with prices from 3,300 THB, it’s a more comfortable and convenient way to travel. The journey takes approximately 3.5 hours, depending on road traffic.

Below, we will describe exactly how to get from Pattaya to Trat by these two travel options, featuring the schedules, and prices.

Pattaya to Trat by Van

  • Price: 450 THB
  • Transport type: 10-passenger van
  • Companies: 35 Group Pattaya
  • Travel time: 5-5.5 hours

35 Group Pattaya is a popular transportation company that offers van services from Pattaya to Trat. They have a fleet of comfortable vans that depart from Pattaya several times a day. The journey takes approximately 4-5 hours, and the vans are equipped with air conditioning and reclining seats.

They pick you up directly from the hotel in Pattaya and take you to Ao Thammachat Pier or Laem Ngop Pier in Trat.

Book your tickets online or at their office in Pattaya. We recommend booking your tickets in advance on this route, especially during the high season.

Arrive at the departure point (hotel lobby) in advance 30 minutes in advance, to check in and board. Since these vans pick up passengers along the way, it’s better to come down beforehand, because the van may arrive earlier than scheduled time.

Have your passport or other identification ready to show when you board the van. Keep your valuables with you at all times.

PattayaLaem Ngop PierAo Thammachat Pier
Pattaya to Trat Van Schedule

Pattaya to Trat by Taxi

  • Price: from 3,300 THB
  • Transport type: comfort, SUV, van
  • Companies: Five Star Taxi, Thailand Limo by Datum, BangkokTaxi24
  • Travel time: 3.5 hours

It’s a 230 km drive from Pattaya to Trat that takes about 3.5 by taxi.

Please be aware that traffic conditions can change, so it’s always a good idea to allow extra time for your taxi trip.

Several reputable taxi companies offer comfortable rides, including Five Star Taxi, Thailand Limo by Datum, and BangkokTaxi24. They provide different types of vehicles such as SUVs and vans, so you can choose the one that suits your group’s size and preferences.

The prices for the taxi ride start from 3,300 THB. The travel time by taxi is estimated to be around 3.5 hours, offering a relatively quick and convenient way to reach Trat from Pattaya.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get from Pattaya to Trat?

The travel time can vary depending on the mode of transportation that you choose. By bus, it takes around 4 hours, while a taxi ride takes around 3.5.

Are there direct buses from Pattaya to Trat?

Yes, there are direct buses and vans available from Pattaya to Trat. They operate regularly throughout the day.

Can you get a ferry from Pattaya to Koh Chang?

No, there is no direct ferry from Pattaya to Koh Chang. You can take a ferry from Trat to Koh Chang, which takes around 30 minutes.

How do I get to Trat Thailand?

You can get to Trat by van, taxi, or plane. Vans are the cheapest option, while taxis are the fastest. If you prefer flying, there are flights available from Bangkok to Trat.

How long does it take from Bangkok to Trat by bus?

The travel time from Bangkok to Trat by bus is around 6-7 hours, depending on the traffic.

What is the distance between Bangkok and Trat?

The distance between Bangkok and Trat is approximately 315 kilometers.

Are there flights from Pattaya to Trat?

No, there are no direct flights from Pattaya to Trat. However, you can take a flight from Bangkok to Trat.

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