Pattaya to Trat

Pattaya to Trat

The distance between Pattaya and Trat in Thailand is approximately 230 kilometers (about 143 miles) by road. If you’re planning a trip from Pattaya to Trat, you have several transportation options available. One of the most popular ways to travel to Trat is by shared van. 35 Group Pattaya operates on this route, offering 10-passenger…

Trat Airport

Trat Airport

Trat Airport (TDX) is a scenic gateway to some of the most beautiful islands in Thailand. Located on the mainland but in close proximity to the popular holiday destinations of Koh Chang, Koh Kood, and Koh Maak, it is incredibly conveniently situated. Finding your way around Trat Airport is simplicity itself. The terminal is an…